Monday, August 22, 2005


Everyone saw my swollen eyes.
Everyone asked about it.
Everyone except you....

You are not blind.
You are not mute.
You of all people...


I'm tired from these few hours of crying. I tried to hold it back, but I really couldn't do it. Guess everyone knew I was crying, except you. Mama n Papa went to the extend of pretending to be hungry so that Mama could cook something for me as well, yet I returned her kindness harshly all beacuse I'm angry with you. Even she is concern about me, concern that I had not have dinner. Where were you? What were you doing? I waited. 5pm... 6pm... 7pm... 8pm... 9pm... 10pm... 11pm... All I got in return was that you were tired and want to go straight home. Am I wrong to be so insistent to wait for you, to have a dinner with me? Am I really wrong here?

Tuesday, August 16, 2005


今天下午见到你时﹐ 我竟然感觉到心跳加速。
我不想给你错觉﹐ 但我不知道为什么会这样。
我好乱。 是我﹐还是你?